Monday, April 16, 2012

Food for thought... Factoids in favor of your friendly blender...

I just read two small factoids in my Women's Health magazine, that give a mighty cheer for the Vitamix and other pulverizing blenders...  I had to share them, because if you're reading this blog, my Magic 8 Ball predicts "the outlook is good" for some blenderizing in your future...

BPA-free cup ;)
Factoid #1 - When WH experts were asked "Will I miss out on any nutrients if I juice my veggies," their MD/nutritionist responded... "Your best bet is a pulverizing juicer, like the Vitamix, which doesn't remove the skin and pulp (which contain fiber and cancer-fighting phytonutrients)... 3 cheers for skin and pulp!

Factoid #2 - Folks who eat canned soups showed a 1,221% increase in Bisphenol-A (BPA) levels, as compared with those who ate fresh soup for lunch five days in a row... Yikes!!  Blend on with your bad self and keep the BPA at bay!

Bonus Factoid - As I read on, I found an article stating that eating carotenoids helps to increase cell turnover in your skin (this is good news)... so carrots and other orange-hued foods, are good for your glow!  Maybe you want to give the Butternut Squash Soup with a Twist a test drive...

Next recipe on deck... Orange Dreamsicle Smoothie... prepare to float away in a vanilla (and orange) sky...

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