Monday, April 2, 2012

Because my husband said I should...

I like to cook.  Scratch that, let me elaborate.  I like to take a recipe, mold it to what's in my pantry, and then throw in a little a' this and a little o' that.  

The tragedy in our house is that, when requested to repeat a meal that happened to go over well, I usually am unable to perform the same kitchen voodoo twice.   This may have something to do with the fact that I don't write down my mixed up take on the base recipe.  This is becoming increasingly frustrating for my husband, as I use our Vitamix every morning for our smoothie-rific breakfast, and often during week for various dressings, muffins, soups, etc... And sometimes he just wants that one green drink iteration I made last week, darn it!

*A note on the Vitamix...  If you wonder why anyone would pay that much for a blender, ours was a gift - best ever, give this blending / pulverizing / serious horsepower / friction heating / greenfood disintegrating device a whirl.  Your old blender will be in the donation box before your first slurp!

So back to the introductory post, my husband suggested that I write my recipes down.  Like most internet-lovin', technology-usin' folks today, I prefer to type.  So "Mixed Up and Smoothed Out" is born this morning, as I sit at my kitchen table sipping my breakfast smoothie.  Enjoy the fruits - and veggies - of my toils... -A

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