Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Departure from Recipes... "When pots & pans could talk"...

Maybe it is the yogi in me, or even the perfectionist... but I heard this story on the podcast "On Being" today and I had to post it... mostly so I can remember it whenever I take a spin through my blog, wondering what to make and if I should have shared it or not...

"When Pots and Pans Could Talk" by MN author, Kevin Kling

Back in the days when pots and pans could talk, which indeed they still do, there lived a man. And in order to have water, every day he had to walk down the hill and filled two pots and walked them home. One day, it was discovered one of the pots had a crack, and as time went on, the crack widened. Finally, the pot turned to the man and said, "You know, every day you take me to the river, and by the time you get home, half of the water's leaked out. Please replace me with a better pot." And the man said, "You don't understand. As you spill, you water the wildflowers by the side of the path." And sure enough, on the side of the path where the cracked pot was carried, beautiful flowers grew, while other side was barren... "I think I'll keep you," said the man.

This is about being recognized for what we bring, not for what we aren't.  I love that.  Every time you attempt to make a healthy meal for your family, or yourself, no matter how it turns out, remember it is about the intention not the end. :)  ... Now back to the recipes... -A

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