ote: Louis Pasteur once said, "Chance favors the prepared mind." Sometimes the best things in life are discovered by accident... Take the pacemaker or penicillin, post-it notes... even the Slinky! So this morning my guest sous-chef, Julia, and I were blenderizing up a batch of
orange dreamsicle smoothies... she stands on her stool, observes the process, but absolutely loves to help out by adding ingredients to the Vitamix...
Oranges - Check!
Sniff the vanilla extract - Check!
Ice cubes, added one by one - Check!
Chia seeds - Just a shake, please... Whoa...

Shoulda known better, Anne!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the chia seeds... when then are soaked for... well... 2ish+ mins in water, they begin to expand and eventually form a pudding-like consistency... Not sure when the whole sprouting action begins... but I prefer to eat up well before it does! So after that wild addition, the orange dreamsicle smoothie is abandoned and the orange ch-ch-ch-chia seed puddin' is born...
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Seed Puddin'
Serves 2
Blenderize the following...
1 c vanilla almond milk (or reg milk + 1 tsp vanilla)
2 oranges (peeled)
1/2 c chia seeds
(It's quite possible more than this made it into our version)
1 c ice (5 or 6 big cubes)

I modified the recipe slightly to something that will resemble a recent, actual recipe for Chia Seed Pudding (Jules you'll find confirmation for your "mad cooking scientist" creation on Gwyneth's blog
GOOP)... This blended concoction will not classify as a smoothie, or even something you can sip, because it will thicken a LOT in a short period of time... That's why it's dubbed a puddin'... And what a bonus if your pudding is packed with Omega 3's, fiber, and calcium?? If you are intrigued, give this version a try or look into it on the GOOP blog... there are some interesting breakfast recipes in GP's most recent post that I am fully intending to test and post in the near future...
Nothing like greeting the day with a sense of humor...
Thanks again Jules! -A