Recipe #57... Terri's New Trick Mixture... A suggestion from my mama
Note: Isn't it lovely to find unexpected messages in your inbox? I know my mom reads my Mixed Up and Smoothed Out posts, and that she blends up her own versions with her Bullet Mixer. She prefers bananas over avocado and doesn't always dig the "greens." She also wrinkled her nose at the case of coconut water I packed for our last visit home. So I was delighted to see an email from her suggesting the following recipe using coconut water. Never say you can't teach an old dog new tricks... I bet that last line got a raised eyebrow! Just kidding, Mom. I'm only making sure you are reading the posts. Wink.
Terri's New Trick Mixture
Add the following to your mixer of choice...
Makes 2 healthy servings
2 c pineapple coconut water
2 c honey greek yogurt
2 c frozen blueberries
1 c Ice (big cubes, usually 6 or more for an icier treat)
Thank you for the suggestion, Mom. As you can see from the photo, this ol' dog was quite pleased to learn and share a new recipe. Love and coconut water, your lucky dog daughter... -A
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