Sunday, May 27, 2012

Recipe #52... Strawberry Citrus Smoothie... Guest-starring Coromega

Note:  I read an interesting fact about fish oil supplements.  If you've never taken fish oil, or have avoided it for the obvious reason; refusal to purchase pills that advertise the addition of lemon to prevent "fishy burps"...  Don't turn away.  Please continue reading.   Fish oil is a wonderful source of those healthy fats; Omega 3's... but not all fish oils are absorbed efficiently... Enter Coromega.  It is a squeeze packet of orange-flavored gel - described as "a tasty burst of goodness with two essential fatty acids, DHA & EPA - clinically proven to have 300% better absorption than softgels"... Gotta like that stat...

Strawberry Citrus Smoothie
Add the following to your mixer of choice...
Makes 2 servings

1 c coconut water

1 6 oz lemon greek yogurt
1/2 avocado (Mom, you can sub in a banana, wink)
1/2 orange
2 packets of Coromega Orange Fish Oil
1 c frozen strawberries
1 c Ice (big cubes usually 5 or 6) 

If you are nervous about direct gel-to-tongue squeeze pack consumption, try this smoothie... It's a delicious way to ease you into your beautiful friendship with fish oil... Jump into the stream and don't fight the current... Omega 3 cheers to going with the flow... -A

1 comment:

  1. i started drinking smoothies a week ago. My skin improved after 2 days! Everyone should drink them, I feel like a have more energie than ever.
