Note: Maybe the last hour of playing "beauty shop" with Jules, complete with Dora hair dryer and brush set, has me thinking pink. I came home to find the Vitamix resting on the counter; my reminder to blend up tomorrow's breakfast. I decided to go decadent... a creamy strawberry and very-dairy smoothie! I picture Miss Jules asleep in her crib... where visions of spotted cows in pale pink tutus (with expertly coiffed hair, of course) pirouette in her head...

Creamy Strawberry Smoothie
Add the following to your mixer of choice...
Makes 2 servings
1 c lactose-free milk or non-dairy option
1 6 oz greek yogurt
1/2 avocado
1 tbsp flaxseed
Juice from 1/2 a lime
1 c frozen strawberries
1 c Ice (big cubes usually 5 or 6)
No, no you say that isn't right, those cows don't twirl, not day or night... Moo, Baa, La la la and sweet dreams to you... -A
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