I have a love-hate relationship with the Internet. The hate part, and hate is a strong word, stems from the vast amount of information available that regularly overwhelms me. In fact, I could go into "ostrich-mode" just thinking about the never-ending threads to follow. For those unfamiliar with ostrich-mode, reference the picture on the right. So just when I'm about to stick my head in the sand, something comes along like "Linchpin" by Seth Godin containing a simple idea that makes me pop back up.

From "Linchpin" -- "At first, gifts you can give live in a tiny realm. You do something for yourself, or for a friend or two. Soon, though, the circle of the gift gets bigger... The Internet has taken the idea of gifts, multiplied it, and then pushed it into a realm where gifts previously hadn't had much traction... There's no economy here, but there is an audience, a chance to share your gift. And the audience continues to grow, each person enjoying the digital fruits of the labor that others donate to the ever-widening circle..."
I love that idea. This blog is my gift to whomever stumbles across it. I do hope you catch it before you go subterranean... -A